Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Off to Amsterdam

Um, yeah, so Nikki and I are going to Amsterdam in like 6 hours. We are so falling all over each other in happiness. I just got the results from my class and from a test I took. I passed the test, and can study on my own anywhere in Germany and I got a fuckin A in the class. Nikki got the same. Yesterday I went to Wittenberg with three French people, a Slovakian and me. We went around and saw all the Martin Luther 95 Theses museum stoff, then it hailed, and then i came home. I was a little bit late and nikki text messaged me saying that she was starting dinner. I ran into Plus (the local market) and tried to buy some wine for us, but the line was hella long, so i just went home. I got to the door, and nikki was making Brotsuppe (german bread soup) and she had bought a bottle of wine. How perfect. WE went to the pub and the bartenderin wanted our emails so that she could invite us to a party. how fucking cool is that. then we went to the imbiss and the turkish man showed me and nikki pictures of his wife back in turkey. it was sad. anyways. its cold as fuck here. the high is about 50, low below freezing. that's all for now. John

Monday, October 06, 2003

So, I'm done with my Sprachkurs and I improved my test score by 10 percent, from 79 to 89. I am now in the highest level class for learning German. That makes me happy.

Theres something else that makes me happy. Nikki Sitzmann. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but we're frightened by each other, but we've already talked about moving in together, because we're together every day and every night. We're going to Amsterdam and Bruxelles on Wednesday. Ich kann es aber nicht glauben, weisst du? And she has given up on the idea that we're not together, she knows it and I know it, and it's scary as fuck because noone has the power, we're just two vulnerable people falling in love. Ich kann es aber kaum glauben.

Yesterday she, Jon, and I went to Potsdam and had this discussion with this bartender for awhile about how americans are so "verklemmt" which means "all tied up" in the sense that we hint at things, whereas as Germans say them blatantly. The bartender told us to stop complaining and vote Bush out of office, and when we said that we didn't know what was to be done, he said, don't you have free speech, voice your opinion. Although I feel that was simplistic, this man just randomly said this to us in Potsdam, it was strange. He said, du bist verklemmt. You're binding yourself. Yeah. Tomorrow Im going with Nikki, Jerome (France), Martin (Slovakia) and perhaps some others to Wittenberg Lutherstadt, the city with the Wittenberger Dom, where Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door, and started the reformation. Im excited