Friday, August 03, 2007

Long Live the 70s!

So, the more I listen to music these days, the more I am impressed with the music out there. This is obviously a huge shift for me. I think that this whole theory of a ressurgence of 80s music is really misplaced. It has recently hit me that music had formerly been based on certain heroes of the past, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, etc. I think that rather than term the latest movement a throwback to the 80s, we should just suggest that the heroes have changed. I think my generation's heroes have become Bryan Eno, Bryan Ferry, David Bowie and David Byrne. I've recently gotten into David Bowie a little bit more via a Brooklyn band of today called TV on the Radio! which is amazing. Talking Heads, Roxy Music and David Bowie are the root of all that's new and wonderful. Possibly early Elvis Costello as well. So, maybe this is a resurgence of the 70s. Roxy Music, Talking Heads and David Bowie all had their most interesting breakthroughs in the 70s. So, long live the 70s.

Oh, and let me note what an enormous Berlin had on Eno, Ferry and Bowie. Maybe this resurgence is somehow connected to the recent popularity of European travel for every hipster and Berlin as the new center (yet again) of the avant-garde.

David Bowie - Boys Keep Swinging

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