Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thank you, Gov. Warner!

It's become painfully obvious to me that our candidate should be Obama. My hope is that Edwards fails early and throws his support behind Obama. Most Edwards supporters would rather relieve themselves in their own bedrooms than vote for Hillary. I think that attitude is rather silly, but I'll take any vote "surge" on Obama's side. However, if Hillary wins, that's ok too.

I'm becoming less and less sure that a Democrat will win in 2008. It's also becoming less important to me. We need to win that 60th Senate seat and retain our majority in the house. Then, President Giuliani will be the only person able to block sensible legislation. 60 stops the filibuster and Giuliani will be hated with a passion if he refuses that large of a majority. Kerrey has a good chance in Nebraska for the good guys and Warner in VA is a lock. Democrats look likely to pick up 5-7 seats. There are a further 5 seats in play. It's a stretch, but with the Republican implosion, it's becoming ever more possible. Democrats are only defending a handful of seats, none of which are in danger, whereas Republicans are defending something around 20, more than half of which are unsafe and many of which they have no chance of keeping.

GO BLUE! (If Michigan doesn't need the phrase for this season, we should co-opt it for the Democratic Party)

Current music: OutKast - Spread

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