Friday, October 05, 2007

The Blue Angels

Every year on the weekend after my birthday, the Blue Angels fly their massive jets over our city for 4 looooooooong days. I have only lived here for the past year, but I remember vividly enjoying some bluegrass in the park when all of a sudden this ridiculous display of military machismo totally stopped the pleasant song. Yesterday, I felt the building shake and it was frightening. They are flying directly over our little town and doing tricks. Tomorrow, they will disrupt my visit to the Bluegrass Festival again.

People in favor of them say "How much fuel is wasted on our freeways everyday?", "I don't like the Folsom Street Fair (the leather festival), but I put up with it, why can't you put up with this", "Commercial airliners are more dangerous." Let me clearly respond. Military displays of power do not allow people to travel, visit their friends and families and conduct business which develops our economy, while commercial airliners do. We also aren't trading commercial airliners for Blue Angels, so the Blue Angels are merely adding an unnecessary danger. The same argument can go for cars. Cars will still be there, doing many functional things, while the Blue Angels are wasting massive amounts of fuel. Cars are largely USING it, not WASTING it. Lastly, the Blue Angels disrupt my daily life and I have no say. If you don't like the Folsom Street Fair, walk one block in the other direction and continue on your bigoted way. I can't escape these jets, something I politically (and without bigotry) oppose without leaving the city. They are wasting fuel, my tax money and my patience. They are wowing young people into thinking that flying a small fighter jet is cool. It never was and never will be. It might be necessary in certain situations, but not non, when our government is bombing innocent people in poor countries. Lastly, the sound is deafening and frightening. I applaud the progressive members (something I almost never do) of the board of supervisors for opposing this ridiculous self-gratification for ignorant war-mongers.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ha! i've finally found your blog. yes, the blue angels in the city are awful. i remember their horrid flight last year, when i was running late for my livescan in the flood building. i couldn't get where i needed to quickly enough, because the electricity was out on the power cables that the muni buses rode along. there were no buses that would take me down market! i thought that downtown was under attack. as it turns out, when the blue angels fly over SF, some power-generating transistors resonate with the motion from the jets, causing them to fail. so if you want a blue angels demo over your city (which you don't), you have to expect limited bus service in downtown. hmm, a brilliant feat in contemporary city planning...