Monday, October 29, 2007

GREs and Obama

I did quite well on the GREs. At least 2 out of the 3 sections. The third section is theoretically being graded as we speak and I will know in the next 2 weeks. Now, I'm writing my essays.

Just when I'm sure I can vote for someone in the primaries I like, Obama, he goes and does a stupid stupid thing. He puts an openly homophobic singer on stage at his gospel tour concert and does nothing to speak against the man's message. First of all, he should not be having a gospel tour for crying out loud. The Democrats should not try to take over the religious nut vote from the Republicans. They should let it realize it has no party and let it mire in obscurity. Secondly, the singer once said on the 700 Club that gay people kill children and he openly propagates the ridiculous falsehood that homosexuality is a choice. He said so at the Obama event.

Lest you think I'm being intolerant (the last argument of the truly intolerant), imagine a white preacher who defames black people as sinners. Or Hitler speaking against Jews. Or a Minuteman trashing Latinos. Or a Neo-Nazi German bashing Turks. Or a Wahabi bringing down women. Should an American politician put one of them on stage and allow them to perform and espouse their hatred? Good job, Obama, you stupid f@$k. You just lost my vote. Back to Edwards?

1 comment:

Paul said...


Obama is trying to do what he can to close the gap with Hilary....right --wrong or otherwise..There is a debate tomorrow night and I think he will come out swinging. According to the news he is close in Iowa and I think that he thinks that this his big chance.
Edwards?? The trial lawyer?? When did he make a convert of you?
