Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Neighborhood

My neighborhood has been rechristened by the city. On a map on the ferry building, there was a new designation, from approximately Vanness to Taylor, from O'Farrell to wherever Nob Hill started. I know live in NOMA (NOrth of MArket). I moved from NOPA (NOrth of the PAnhandle) to NOMA (NOrth of MArket). Heh, now I have to SOMA (SOuth of MArket) and then, it's on to NOLITA (NOrth of Lttle ITAly), SOHO (SOuth of HOuston St.), NOHO (NOrth of HOuston St.), TRIBECA (TRIangle BElow CAnal St.) DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), and RAMBO (Right After the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) all in NYC. The final destination would of course be Soho (possibly South of Holborn St.) in London.

Do other cities have this? Perhaps my parents live in SOTO (SOuth of ThOmas Rd.)? or EaSe (EAst of SEventh)? or NoDo (NOrth of DOwntown)? That won't work.......

Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I attended a meeting two nights ago at the SF School Board. The point of my presence was to lend support to those who oppose a resolution that would grant JROTC another year of existence. Last year, the SF School Board voted to end JROTC programs at all San Francisco high schools, effective at the end of this year. They voted to end it, because they believed it is a recruitment tool for the military. Also, as it is tied to the military, which the SF School Board termed a "homophobic organization", they wanted it out of schools. Those who want to keep it claim that it is about community building and discipline. Therefore, included in the resolution to end it was the recommendation for a new JROTC-like program, sans militarism.

Tuesday night's meeting was supposed to be dedicated to a vote on a resolution that would extend JROTC for one extra year, but close it at 2 of the 7 high schools (presumably those with the lowest enrollment), block freshman enrollment, and disallow the use of JROTC for PE credit (as many of the JROTC instructors don't even hold a teaching certificate (let alone a PE-teaching certificate)). This would allow for more time to come up with a new program, which detractors argue, has not been done. Upon arrival, there were about 400 students and several parents completely filling the room. I stood at the back with my friend Melissa. The nuts from Berkeley (you know, the older women who wear corduroys and don't wash their hair, etc.) were out in full force to scream about the war in Iraq and detract from real concerns. The only speaker with a brain from either side was a father of an 11-year old who railed against the militarism and the wasted tax money. He made the point that it was unfair to his son to lack a sufficient after-school program because he doesn't want to be trained to fight in a war. He spoke about the lack of teaching credentials. He directly quoted, from the Department of Defense, statements on recruitment intentions.

It didn't matter. Before the meeting even started, the School Board announced that the resolution was off the table and they were unsure if they would bring it again. Therefore, as it stands, JROTC is done in SF. Health care for all, military out of schools, plastic bags out of our city, further development of public transportation. For all of our faults, San Francisco values should be a beacon to the nation.

Friday, November 09, 2007


The cover of the Chronicle today featured a duck drenched in oil. The headline read "Heartbreaking". There was a major oil spill in the bay when a ship smashed into the bridge dumping its fuel on the marine life. Disgusting. Filth.