Friday, December 21, 2007

Welcome to Europe, Poland!

Today is a historic day for Eastern Europe and for Europe as a whole. Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Malta and Hungary have, as of today, become members of the Schengen Treaty. They have a common border with the rest of Europe. You can now travel without a passport within Eastern Europe. The EU common boarder now reaches to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, etc. Switzerland and Liechtenstein will enter in 2008, Cyprus in 2009 and Romania and Bulgaria in 2011.

Witamy do Europy, Poland!

Friday, December 14, 2007

January 3rd, 2008

Wow. This election is actually incredibly exciting and I feel somewhat about values and issues rather than just "rockstarness".

So, I was sure that Hillary would win, so I was just deciding which loser I liked the best to vote for here. I lost some respect for Obama after his horrifying pandering to homophobes moment, and I put my support behind Edwards. I figured that any vote, including one for Hillary, was irrelevant as far as the end result goes. I think I'm still supporting Edwards more than anyone else (although I have a ton of respect for Biden), but now, it's a real race. Obama is doing incredibly in many of the early states. According to many polls, he's now winning or tied with Hillary in Iowa, SC and NH.

So now, I have to rethink my idea. I no longer think that the race is irrelevant. It may come down to Feb. 5th or even later. In all of the later states, other than Illinois, Hillary has a commanding lead. However, this could be due to Obama's underexposure in these states, which could change. Also, if he wins in early states, he'll get a boost in the others, especially if Edwards drops out and throws his support to Obama, which I'm hoping he'll do.

God help us if Hillary wins and names Wesley Clark as her running mate. She wouldn't be great, I think, but I wouldn't be opposed to her, but W. Clark is a nincompoop.

It looks like I'm voting for Obama on Feb. 5th!

On the Republican side, I love it. Huckabee is a lackluster, friendly and fairly non-confrontational fellow. He is not opposed to social programs for the poor. Anti-tax nuts hate him. He seems to honestly discuss issues and have real answers. I also think he can't win. I think Obama or Hillary will mop the floor with him. I'm also no longer afraid of Giuliani to the extent that I was before. I think he has a much better chance of winning against Hillary or Obama, so I'm rooting for Huckabee, but as long as we don't get Romney (which I consider to be an impossibility), we'll be relatively alright, and much better off than now.....

Obama/Edwards, Obama/Webb, Obama/Biden, Obama/Villaraigosa or Obama/Napolitano 2008!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Where would we be without the Baghdad by the Bay?

San Francisco is about to become the world's first major city to introduce a program to subsidize the outfitting of houses with solar panels. Berkeley is planning a loan from the city to be paid back over 25 years to completely outfit homes with solar power. San Francisco is gonna give a 50% discount! This plan will be released on Thursday. Go SF go!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Independence for Kosovo!

Hey Bush, Merkel, Brown and Sarkozy, recognize Kosovarian indepence!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


"Of all the tyrannies that afflict mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst. Every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in, but this attempts a stride beyound the grave and seeks to pursue us into eternity."
- Thomas Paine

Governor Romney just became public enemy number one. I will vote for Newt Gingrich for every office for the rest of my life to avoid this man becoming president. His answers at the Youtube debate on torture were horrific. He had McCain (who looks liberal and sane compared to Romney) screaming, "So you would do away with the Geneva Conventions?" He all but told Romney that he wasn't fit to stand on the same stage.

And then comes his speech today. I am no longer a friend of America or of freedom according to Romney:

"Any person who has knelt in prayer to the Almighty, has a friend and ally in me."
- Well, I guess I cannot be his friend and ally.

"I will take care to separate the affairs of government from any religion, but I will not separate us from ‘the God who gave us liberty.’"
- WHAT?!

"Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone."
- So, those without freedom (read: the Axis of Evil, right?) can never know religion? Conversely, those who are not religious (read: ME and much of Europe) cannot know freedom?

"We should acknowledge the Creator."
- SHOULD? According to your morals or your political beliefs? ARE YOU F§$%ING NUTS?

This horrifying bigot has just disenfranschised me, most of my friends, most of Europe and almost the entire Muslim world. He does this while attacking the constitutional ban on the establishment of a religion (Christianity). Finally, he still refuses to allay any of the legitimate fears surrounding his religion.

This man would be the final key in our turn towards fascism/tyranny, a la Sinclair Lewis/Thomas Paine. STOP ROMNEY NOW.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Why San Francisco is the best!

On top of the fight towards covering everyone with health insurance (they're moving towards it already, have already insured thousands of uninsured in Chinatown), there are now four other fields SF is forging ahead with.

The second is a bit silly and really has not so much to do with the city, but it cannot be separated. At 9th & Brannan, right off the freeway, you can see the world's first solar billboard outside of South Africa (strange, huh?). PG&E has powered a billboard and more that advertizes for PG&E by saying simply, "This is not a billboard. It's a power plant." I hope PG&E does something real soon. At least they're trying something.

The third is of course mandatory paid sick-leave for all SF employees, even if you work part-time. This allows people to go to the doctor, care for a loved one or even avoid work for up to 2 days without a doctor's note. (This time is accrued and therefore can never really be abused, but it can be very useful).

The fourth is something called Bank on San Francisco. It has been in effect since 2006. It allows those who do not qualify for a bank account at a major bank because they are too poor to get a bank account with the city. This allows them to avoid the fees to cash Social Security checks and not worry about being mugged when they carry their money out the door. New York, Boston, Chicago and Atlanta have contacted San Francisco officials about the effort. Los Angeles and Seattle are starting their own programs as we speak.

The final is to create city identification cards for all residents regardless of legality.

Socialism here we come!

Current music: Paprika Korps - Riddim

Monday, December 03, 2007

Barry Bonds

Barry Bonds will be arraigned at my building, as we house the 9th Circuit Federal Court, on Friday, Dec. 7th. First Pearl Harbor, now Barry Bonds. Ha.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Robert F. Kennedy

"When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of Heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun."

-William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", used by Bobby Kennedy to open his speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention after a 22-minute standing ovation, in reference to his brother, JFK, less than a year after he was assassinated