Friday, December 14, 2007

January 3rd, 2008

Wow. This election is actually incredibly exciting and I feel somewhat about values and issues rather than just "rockstarness".

So, I was sure that Hillary would win, so I was just deciding which loser I liked the best to vote for here. I lost some respect for Obama after his horrifying pandering to homophobes moment, and I put my support behind Edwards. I figured that any vote, including one for Hillary, was irrelevant as far as the end result goes. I think I'm still supporting Edwards more than anyone else (although I have a ton of respect for Biden), but now, it's a real race. Obama is doing incredibly in many of the early states. According to many polls, he's now winning or tied with Hillary in Iowa, SC and NH.

So now, I have to rethink my idea. I no longer think that the race is irrelevant. It may come down to Feb. 5th or even later. In all of the later states, other than Illinois, Hillary has a commanding lead. However, this could be due to Obama's underexposure in these states, which could change. Also, if he wins in early states, he'll get a boost in the others, especially if Edwards drops out and throws his support to Obama, which I'm hoping he'll do.

God help us if Hillary wins and names Wesley Clark as her running mate. She wouldn't be great, I think, but I wouldn't be opposed to her, but W. Clark is a nincompoop.

It looks like I'm voting for Obama on Feb. 5th!

On the Republican side, I love it. Huckabee is a lackluster, friendly and fairly non-confrontational fellow. He is not opposed to social programs for the poor. Anti-tax nuts hate him. He seems to honestly discuss issues and have real answers. I also think he can't win. I think Obama or Hillary will mop the floor with him. I'm also no longer afraid of Giuliani to the extent that I was before. I think he has a much better chance of winning against Hillary or Obama, so I'm rooting for Huckabee, but as long as we don't get Romney (which I consider to be an impossibility), we'll be relatively alright, and much better off than now.....

Obama/Edwards, Obama/Webb, Obama/Biden, Obama/Villaraigosa or Obama/Napolitano 2008!


Paul said...


McCain/Lieberman beats Clinton/Richardson.

John Benjamin said...
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John Benjamin said...

I doubt that anyone would put Richardson on their ticket. He's a bumbling fool. He can't even pander correctly. He went to a forum for a gay rights group and directly told them that he thought being gay was a choice. The moderators were so baffled, they asked him again and explained it more clearly. He then said, "I'm not a scientist." He's very liberal when it comes to gay rights; he's just not capable of speaking in public. Secretary of Defense/State for him. I also doubt that McCain can win the nomination, because he's doing pretty badly nationally.

If he does, then McCain/Lieberman would be quite formidable, and could likely beat Clinton/someone..... but Richardson?

My guess is Obama/Edwards over Huckabee/someone, only because I have no idea who will win anything and that seems a definite possibility. If Edwards dropped out, almost all of his voters would go to the rising Obama, squashing Clinton in most states. So, Obama wins if he starts out strong and Edwards falters.

Huckabee wins almost without a doubt unless something strong changes. He's jumped by over 30-40 points in a month! He is now at the top or tied at the top of every national poll, and he's looking pallatable to Independents who might choose to vote Republican in the primaries.

I think it's Obama for the Dems if Edwards falters and Huckabee for the Reps if he doesn't screw up.