Saturday, October 20, 2012

(1st post new concept) not quite mirror images

This is a great first picture for this account. It shows a modern Apple laptop with various cables showing that I have various iDevices. In the background there are a few purses and an old mirror on the floor. Furthermore the image is grainy because I was fiddling with Instagram filters as I learned how to use that App on my phone. This post was originally on Tumblr. It is interesting that there are two drastically different phenomena here. On the one side there are fashionable purses modern laptop iDevices and social media. On the we have the graininess of the image and the older mirror. Without the mirror and the graininess this would be an extremely cold and boring picture of purses laptops and implied iPhones and iPads. With the presence of the mirror and the Instagram-enabled “old” look the image takes on a warmth. Are we not driving a strong wedge between ourselves and the past throwing out all of our old possessions in favor of digital versions and then using this new technology to recreate false versions of our past? I suppose that is what people do in life. Or at least me. I constantly run away from the past mostly in embarrassed horror and then attempt to recreate it in an updated version. I make playlists to evoke emotions from middle school and prepare food just like my parents made it but with certain ingredients altered to fit my tastes. There is nothing wrong with any of this. However as this blog will dwell heavily on such issues I wanted to point out the appropriateness of this image.

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