Sunday, November 24, 2002

The Intertwined Collections

You know, this livejournal thingy is not so fun when i have nothing to bitch about. i do have to say that this band beefcake messiah from Milford, NH (Scott's home before Sonora) is pretty great. If you don't know who Scott is, you can all fuck yourselves, cuz "you're really missin' out." (direct quote from him himself) him and I just formed a band. After I give my presentation tomorrow, I get to read for fun. I'm reading the Fellowship of the Ring. It's pretty rad. I'm so excited about seeing my friends back home in Phoenix. (I guess almost everyone who reads this is there, all two of you). Um.......... Scott and I finished that song that we were writing. it's pretty great. it's called, "The Intertwined Collections." it's about a guy and a girl being somewhat depressed and afraid, but at least they can be scared together. (Guess what, I'm one of the people.........)

Monday, November 18, 2002

Synopsis of my day

so, i woke up at 7:15 with oatmeal already cooked by my roommate. this is the first time, every other day of the year, i did it for him..... weird. then, i ate it and started reading non-violence theory. i decided it was stupid and just as i put it dow n, realized that i had to write a 350 word essay for german due at 10. it was 8:15. So, I wrote that and took a shower and missed my bus, so i was late to class. then, i went to thai food with asal. i had basil eggplant. it was hella good. then, i w ent to political economy of food lecture, but the lady was an idiot, completely ignorant to everything except "GMO's are bad!" I'm sick of all that. But then, we got out early, and i caught the bus home. i worked on my still-broken computer (this is my roommate's) and then my dad's friend came over from san ramon. he couldn't fix my computer, but i finished my non-violence reading, and i cooked some soup and watched the simpsons. then, i read some of the Trial, by Franz Kafka, the best author in all the world. Yep, that was my day. I'm doing laundry and thinking about someone special right now. i can't wait to be home in a week!!!! i'm so excited about thanksgiving. i miss home and my friends. I really am gonna miss everyone next year, when i'm in europe (yes, i'm also using this as an opportunity to gloat). life has been extra smily lately. i'm working on a song right now. scott wrote the chord progression. i'm working on the arrangement and the words. i want it to be ready by the time i g o home to phoenix, so i can play it for julia. right now, drinking tea out my john guitar mug. i love my parents. ok, now i gotta go read more kafka (the best homework ever).

Tuesday, November 12, 2002


today was great. i missed the bus and then caught the next one and then it broke down, and then my friend went home and slept cuz she was sick so I have noone to talk to. But, I'm excited about that. It'll give me a chance to read, and to be alone. I like being alone outside, just listening and seeing and feeling. It's really beautiful here in the Bay Area right now.

So, I spent lots of the weekend with my roommate's "girlfriend" Olivia. I put that in quotes because they are constantly struggling with the whole idealistic "let's stay together" vs. the practical "we live too far apart" argument. It's really sad, but it's also amazing watching them together. It makes me have more love for myself and for them and for everyone.

I feel really good about life right now. I once again had an amazing phone conversation yesterday, making ever more smiley. I am excited about my lunch that I'm about to eat, a hummus sandwich with cucmber, pickles, and tomato, and then an apple on the side. In fact, I'm done now, even though I had more to say, because the outside is calling (I'm at the library cuz my internet is having problems) Hi, Amanda Krampf. I know vaguely who you are....... E-mail me sometime. Hi Daniel and Caitomccake potato, miss you both.