Sunday, August 24, 2003


So, today I went shopping with my mother to buy clothes for Germany. I'm again falsely falling into the theory that if I change my style I can change my personality. Man, society has really fucked up my head, and made my hypocrisy all the painful-er. I got home and cleaned my room, and then started reading some old poems. I opened a beer, and then my brother showed up. The real problem is that my brother has finally become a nice person who rides his bike lots of miles every day, and he doesn't hate me, but he's sooooo painfully normal. Where has all the hatred of corporate societal destruction gone? That sounds like a new anti-war song... haha. So, then the rest of the night was highlighted by my mom's amazing spaghetti sauce, and sitting burning some CDs for my new friends Marisin and Melissa. Why do I always manage to meet cool people as I'm leaving? Well, anyways, the real big thing happened right before dinner. Yuko called me. I just wanna cry. I really love her. I'm starting to believe, no matter how "mature" or "old" I get, I'm gonna be this hopeless romantic. And I really want to be with her. I absolutely think that we would be a perfect couple, but now what......... Now Berlin, die Haupstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands. All exciting. Conflicts, wow, confusion, good lord. I'm gonna listen to Warren Zevon starting today. Dying gets me every time.

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