Friday, February 08, 2008


The pollster that got almost everything right, nailed California and got only Missouri wrong (which I got right by the way, hehe), has polled Virginia at Obama 57 - Clinton 39. Beautiful.

-Nebraska and Washington are Obama-type states and are caucuses, so he should do well.
-Louisiana is heavily African-American, so he should do well.
-Maine is a closed-primary? I think..... so he may have an issue there.
-Virginia is polling beautifully.
-He would have to murder someone on national television to lose DC.
-Maryland is heavily educated, wealthy, politically involved and African-American, so there's that.
-Hawaii is his.
-Wisconsin is heavily labor-leftist, Edwards-type people, plus Chicago suburbanites/exurbanites. Milwaukee is heavily African-American.

He CAN, but may not be able to sweep the rest of February.

He's most vulnerable in Maine, less so in Wisconsin and Washington.......

Tim Kaine, the D-governor of Virginia has said he should not be Obama's running mate, should he win the nomination. He recommended Jim Webb!

Obama/Webb '08

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