Friday, April 13, 2007

On Vonnegut

This statement was on today as one of hundreds. It seems fitting and could have been written by me if you change one digit and a few historical details:

Breakfast of Champions was read by me in the mid 80’s. I was a depressed, disaffected teenager, Reagan, and his administration’s Iran-Contra scandal were in full bloom. The book gave me a wake-up call that others could see the cynical beauty that I perceived around me in the world. My teenage intellect perceived the first 20 pages as some sort of eccentric adult joke that I wasn’t in on, then suddenly I got it, and read (and re-read) the rest with growing equal levels of intimidation and admiration. I then became a rabid Vonnegut fan, and I am so sad now, to see that beautiful intellectual light having finally burned out. At least his literature will forever live on.
— Posted by Aaron Morris

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