So, I've decided a lot of things recently.
I think (I'm not yet sure) that I am going to, in the next few months, bite the bullet and move into a studio apartment for around 1,000 a month. Sounds ridiculous, but if I was a little more careful with money I could still save some of my paycheck every month.
Hopefully, I will accomplish this by July. I will then settle in, buy reliable wireless, and settle into studying for the GREs. I plan to apply to grad school in German departments around the country. If I want to study central and eastern european political science/history or even socio-linguistics, all will be possible under the umbrella of a German degree. I'm not gonna do a master's and then a doctorate in a separate program. If I do this, I'm in it for the long haul. Berkeley will definitely be a place for me to apply to.
I've run out of options. I'm probably going to be an old miser no matter what I do, but if I'm up to my elbows in books and I get to spend time in Germany, hopefully Berlin, again while I'm doing it, that's the way to go.
Let's see if I've got the discipline. If I work all this out, I may just stay at this job until I start my studies again in August/September of 2008, or if everything else is working out, I may find a slightly more stimulating job.
Cheers to the future.
Current music: Charles Mingus - Better Git It in Your Soul
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