Wednesday, January 29, 2003

I'm horrified

The State of the Union speech was one of the most frightening things I've ever witnessed in my life. George Bush has declared that there's an enormous amount of information proving that Iraq has weapons..... and if the UN won't support the US, the US will "lead a coalition" to disarm Saddam. He's basically said that no matter what as soon as he can he will send in the troops he's already amassed. He's creating all the things that he'll need in the future....... evidence to justify preemptive attack, past examples to show how dangerous Saddam is, its own evidence in case the weapons inspectors' report doesn't constitute just cause for war, public opinion in the freedom that we're pushing, an almost painfully incorrect and ludicrous, supposed connection between Al-Qaeda and Iraq. He's got emotional justification, just cause, immediacy, and everything he'll need when he decides to wage war. He also mentioned how dangerous the Korean peninsula and Iran have become. He mentioned the need to help Iran be more democratic. Is he setting the table for the nesxt conquest. When he announced that no matter how the UN ruling goes, he WILL disarm Saddam, I started crying. I cannot foresee anyone that there will not be war. If there is, we will either divide the Western countries and destroy alliances that are necessary for the supposed peace we have now, or rid europe of its dissenting voices. Basically, we will bring along all of our friends. Anyone not coming will be our enemy. We are going to start exterminating people around the world. It makes me cry. It makes me so frightened to be alive now. Well, I'm not frightened, as much as ashamed, horrified, completely helpless. I just wanna scream and cry. I JUST WANNA FUCKING SCREAM AT THE TAOP OF MY LONGS AND FUCKING SNAP. I CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE IT AT ALL.

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