Tuesday, January 14, 2003


This morning we went to Leicester Square to try to buy tickets to the Shakespeare show, but it's not playing tonight. Only Wednesday through Sunday or something. Then, we walked to Piccadilly Circus and saw Pretty Dirty Things, the new film with Audrey Tautou. Then, we went to the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. We then went to a pub, and now we're home for dinner. Tonight will be a relaxed night!!! I'm excited. The first night where I just stay in. Anyway(s).........(the (s) is a tribute to caitlin), I'll talk to you all later.


P.S. Listen to any version of the song Paddy's Lament, there's a good one by Sinead O'Connor. It's a great anti-war in America song (different war, but I love the lines "Hear me boys, now take my advice/To America I'll have youse not be coming/There is nothing here but war, where the murdering cannons roar/I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin"...... and also, "But the devil, I did say/It's curse Americay/Cuz I think I've had enough of your hard fighting" Yay! Go and listen to great Irish music

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