Wednesday, January 01, 2003


For those of you who only learn about my life through the internet, I'll fill you in on the changes. I stopped taking Paxill and I'm still happy! I haven't talked to Julia in more than a week. I haven't talked to her for more than 5 minutes for over a month. I finished my finals and papers, and also my application to go to Berlin for next year. It's mailed. I leave for Oakland again in 4 days... for Dublin in 5.

 I am sitting here about to go to sleep cuz I have to drive Yuko and Ayano to the Westin Kierland resort so that they can go on a bus tour of Sedona, Jerome and Montezuma's castle. Who are Yuko and Ayano, you ask? Well, Ayano is Yuko's friend from Berkeley, and Yuko is my friend from Berkeley, from Japan. She is hella cute. For some strange reason that I don't question (wait, I've questioned it constantly for the past two days), she likes me. I guess we're together. She referred to it as "our relationship." I think this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, because I know that it can't last. Next year, I'll be in Berkeley or Berlin, and she'll be in Tokyo. I'll attempt to learn Japanese and have a huge huge smile whever I think of her saying "oh leally? (or) oh rearry?" But... it'll be done and over. But it's ok, cuz for now, it's not.

 I have this project that I want to work on while I'm in Europe. It's a work in which I discuss 4 occurrences in my life, and connect them and then theorize about what makes them stand out. It will be a sort of temporary answer to the "Who am i?" question. I haven't played guitar at all since I left school, but I've been listenin to lots of music. I saw Andy, Connor, Mike, and Kellen from Cast the First Stone last night, and the
(thought break)

Sorry for the break, but Yuko just came and started asking and worrying about how I just seemed to have gotten rid of Julia. I told her how I felt that I was more excited that Julia was a girl who liked me, than how the relationship made me actually feel. We then talked about some insecurities of the both of us. I am absolutely amazed at how concerned she is for other people. She is the least jaded person that I've ever met. She doesn't juge me. I can actually tell her anything.... Alright, well I gotta get up early tomorrow so I can take her and Ayano, but good lord am I happy at the moment. Current Mood: Genuinely happy

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